The perfect real estate email signature for your professional email account is crucial. Don’t think of it as an obligation, but an opportunity. 

A good real estate email signature will establish you as an expert, while providing leads with multiple ways to stay in contact with you and your work. It isn’t as stressful as it sounds either. You can create one yourself or use a generator.

Agent Legend has a built in email signature generator, with customizable features for everyone who uses our other services. This is how easy it is. You just fill out the fields below and our generator formats it all perfectly.

perfect email signature generator

Basics to Create the Perfect Real Estate Email Signature 

If you want to create your own, this what every perfect email signature contains:

  • Full Name

Make sure that you put your full name at the top of the email signature. This is a best practice in every industry, and definitely within real estate. You want it to be clear who each message is coming from directly.

  • Job Title

Either next to or right below your name, provide your specific job title and company name. This is also a best practice for clarity. This information makes it easy for a lead to quickly know who is sending them the message, and also why it has been sent.

  • Photo of You or Logo

Most email signatures today include some sort of image. Usually to the left of the rest of the email signature. It’s a personable way to emphasize who you are and what you are contacted them about. It also establishes trust and credibility, which can be particularly important if you haven’t actually met this person you are sending a message to.

  • Contact Information

Ways to contact you should always be included. Either a personal or business phone number is an essential piece of information that should be included on every professional real estate email signature. More than one way to contact you is ideal. Along with a phone number this could include links to your website or portfolio as well as links to one or two professional social media channels like Facebook and Instagram. This allows a lead to easily follow up with you and also to learn more about the work you do and value you have to offer before hand.

  • Call to Action

Encourage engagement by including a Call to Action before or near one of the links you provide. Something like, “Check out my real estate coaching page” followed by a link to your website or “Learn more about my (insert your business name) then include a link to your website. This invites a lead to interact with you, which will generate a higher response rate.

  • Personalize Your Signature

You don’t want to go overboard here when creating a professional real estate email signature. However, including brand colors, a quote that relates to the work you do, or anything else that speaks lightly to your personality and working style can be a nice touch. It’s similar to creating messages for leads, you want to be personable and you, while still maintaining a sense of professionalism. The balance and choice in how to do that exactly is part of the fun and it is yours to make.

Extra Tips to Create a Great Real Estate Email Signature

  • Use A Generator

Be sure you get the formatting just right by using a email signature generator. Agent Legend provides one for everyone using our services.

  • Make it Easy to Read 

Use a font and colors that are easy to read on screen. Using different font sizes and structure are also essential. Just be sure all of the information you provide is easily accessible in this way, so nothing gets lost or left out when a lead is reading through it.

  • Minimal but Helpful

Don’t overload your email signature with too much information. Keep it to what is most important (what we outlined above).

It doesn’t take long to create and it is well worth the effort. A well done real estate email signature will establish you as a professional and also aid you and your business in creating more engagement with leads.

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