It’s true – these days, generating real estate leads online is a big part of the game. If you can buy or generate your own leads with any sort of efficiency you’ll be well on your way to controlling your destiny.

However, never underestimate the power of a personal connection! All those people you know and meet “irl” (a.k.a. in real life :)) will usually take less work and time to convert to being your client. They’re more likely to answer your calls and emails. Additionally, they have the ability to refer you because they liked you as a human, even before they work with you!

Lead groups like BNI, Chambers of Commerce, and large family gatherings can be good for generating leads. But, you’ll most likely be competing with other agents or enduring uncomfortable conversations with family. Traditional networking events can produce quality leads as well, but it can feel like a daunting or intimidating task.

Below is a list of out of the box, in-person opportunities that can significantly increase your business leads.

  1. Join a Sports League – tennis, basketball, kickball, anything active! Competing together creates a special bond and though your teammates may not be selling or buying a home at the moment, they will someday! Playing a sport can create a bond of trust, unity, and support. Your teammates will want to support your business in any way they can.
  2. Volunteer – Before you help them buy a house, build a house together! Or paint a fence, plant a tree, foster a pet. We recommend doing something that you’re passionate about so that you build authentic relationships with people who have similar interests.
  3. Sponsor An Event – this is a great way to get your name out there and connect to people on a unique level. People will view you as someone who cares about the community and bringing people together. Buying or selling a home is a huge life decision for most people, and knowing you are involved locally is a strong confidence boost.
  4. Host an Educational Workshop – show that you are a leader in the industry and your market by sharing knowledge. You can also bring in other professionals to speak. Think interior designers, mortgage brokers, etc.
  5. Wear Your Real Estate Gear – whether it’s a hat or a t-shirt, wear something that screams you’re a real estate agent. You’ll be surprised how many people will approach you at a grocery store or in line for coffee. They may just have a market question and you may just get them their next home.

Building personal relationships is an important part of any real estate agent’s business. Once you have people’s trust, your reach grows exponentially and you will get more of qualified real estate leads through personal connections.

Need help reaching and keep up with your leads authentically? Schedule an Agent Legend demo today.

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