Doing This Quickly Will Keep Your Real Estate Business Growing
There is an entire cycle to the real estate process. When you are trying to build your real estate business, it’s essential to continuously work from all stages of the cycle constantly. This can make it feel like there is too much to get done and not enough time to do it–but it doesn’t have to. Automated lead follow up will save you time and have you converting more leads than ever.
Get the top tip to convert more leads from real estate expert Kevin Markarian.
The Top Tip to Ensure Real Estate Business Growth
Real estate business expert and Agent Legend user, Kevin Markarian uses automation to keep conversations going throughout the real estate cycle, without sacrificing time.
The stages of the real estate business cycle, from Markarian’s perspective, including: 1) prospecting 2) contract 3) escrow 4) closing. Automation allows you to continuously bring in more prospects, so that the cycle keeps going after you reach the end of it with one lead.
He shared with Agent Legend CEO, Costas Peppas, that he spent only 30 minutes setting up his lead followup automation process, has done nothing else with it since, and still have nearly 500 conversations ongoing with leads already.
As Markarian says accurately – more conversations leads to more deals. Get your conversations going with leads, and keep the cycle going today in only 30 minutes.
Get more tips to convert more leads, faster on the Agent Legend blog.
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