Cold leads are a real problem for a lot of agents. They're the ones that have been sitting around in your CRM database, waiting to be called back or emailed, or that have stopped responding to your messages. Because your real estate lead follow up can be the difference between a successful career or a short one, below we're sharing how to take those cold leads and warm them back up!

8 Ways to Handle Cold Prospects

  1. Send an email follow-up: The best method for email follow ups is using Agent Legend. You can create simple templates that can be personalized to reconnect and remind your prospects why they should work with you instead of someone else.
  2. Give away something valuable: A lead might be lukewarm because they don't think you offer them anything of value yet. To engage with this potential client, offer something like a free consultation or home staging to move their property quickly. Follow up by providing in-depth information on working with you benefits their experience while buying or selling.
  3. Use social media: If they've gone cold through Facebook or LinkedIn, it's time to update your status and get them active again. You can use tools like the Facebook Pixel and targeted advertising to keep yourself and your company top of mind.
  4. Try another form of communication: If email, Facebook, and LinkedIn haven't worked in getting in touch with your leads, try using a phone call or text message!
  5. Get it in writing: If the lead has gone cold, it’s possible they don't trust you enough yet to sign anything or let you into their house. Make sure that everything is spelled out so they know exactly what to expect from working with you.
  6. Send snail mail: In an age of instant correspondence, hardly anyone sends letters in the post anymore. Write a friendly card, and mail it to them. The more personalized, the better!
  7. Be persistent: Some marketers agree you need between seven and twelve points of contact before you get a bite from a prospect. While you don’t want to inundate your prospects, the reality is we’re all busy and many things are competing for our attention. Who knows? Even if they don’t respond to your text, email or letter, that final push on Facebook might be the time they finally pay attention.
  8. Send a final salutation: If you've attempted multiple follow-ups and they're still not biting, it might be time to stop trying to convince them to work with you. Send one last follow up letting them know you are available when they are ready. They might be waiting for the right offer from the right person. Follow up again in six months, and again in one year. After that, archive them for a rainy day.


Text Message Examples for Real Estate Lead Follow Up

Text messaging can be a great way to activate a cold prospect. The professional text message examples below show you have a pulse and are willing to be persistent without being too pushy.

Example text 1

Hi [Name]! I hope you're having a great week so far. I just wanted to touch base about the house in {your town} that we looked at a few weeks ago. Is there any chance you'd like to go see it again with me sometime this weekend?

Example text 2

Hi [Name] - I hope you're doing well. I'm reaching out because I know that you said you would be in touch with me the Monday after our showing on Sunday. Let me know if it's still on your radar, and we can pick it up from there!

Example text 3

Hey [Name], I hope you don't mind me reaching out, as I haven’t heard from you in a while. We have a buyer looking for homes in {neighborhood} and would love to get the chance to catch up! Are you still looking to sell your home?


Email Subject Lines With a Better Open Rate

If you are not getting prospects to open emails, it may be time to try some new subject lines. Email marketing subject line best practices will allow you to effectively stay out of the spam folder and get more opens.

Example subject line 1

"[Name] just wanted to see if you were interested in a new property that came on the market."

Example subject line 2

"[Name] you have to see these amazing properties! They’re almost too good to be true!"

Example subject line 3

"FW: Quick Question"


Spammy vs. Helpful

Many real estate agents make the mistake of not following up after contacting leads because they don't want it to seem like they are "spamming" them with their services. However, most people expect a real estate follow up correspondence of some kind after reaching out.

Remember, you are providing a service, and if you have something that can help a lead, you should be there for them as much as they need you. Yes, you want the sale, but the most important thing is to offer them value and advice. The more you show up offering genuine help, the more likely you are to make the sales and land the listings.

Agent Legend is the answer to all of your real estate lead follow up needs. Get a free trial today, and see firsthand what we can do for you.

The Ultimate Guide: Lead Generation For Busy Real Estate Agents, Brokers, and Teams

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