We found in our State of Leads survey that most new realtors are spending way too much time on lead follow-up. Our survey also found that despite many realtors spending 20+ hours a week on follow-up, the response rate was still below 40%. It doesn’t have to be this way. 

While lead follow-up is crucial, new realtors need to also focus on other aspects of establishing their business. There are many pieces to creating a long-term, sustainable presence in the real estate industry. Agent Legend can help you spend less time on lead follow-up and more time closing deals. Our campaigns are effective and promote efficiency. Once you have that in place, this is what you can do with the rest of your time:

How New Realtors Should Spend Some Time Every Week

Efficient lead follow-up with Agent Legend will allow you to spend more time growing your business in other essential ways.

1. Relaxing

We know, you probably didn’t expect this to be at the top of the list. But it’s as essential as anything else if you want to be successful. If you are burnt out from over extending yourself on lead-follow up, then you won’t be able to give clients your best work and attention. Save time by automating your lead follow-up through campaigns. This way, you can rest assured that leads are still being contacted. You just don’t have to spend an extraordinary amount of time doing it every day. When you aren’t spending so much time following up with leads, you will have more time for yourself. You need that to thrive as a new realtor.   

2. Maintaining Sphere of Influence 

When you show up in your community, you will automatically generate new business opportunities. You will become the go-to real estate professional in your area. Community can be your local, physical community, or even an online community. As a new realtor, we suggest spending time establishing yourself within both. Show up, be seen, and share valuable information with others. This way, when they are ready to buy or sell, you will be the first person they think of to help them through the process.

3. Online Presence

This ties in with community building and sphere of influence. Create a presence for your business online, whether that be a website, Instagram page, Facebook group, other social media platform, or all of the above. We actually recommend doing so on a two or more of these platforms. You don’t have to do it all, but as a new realtor you do want to put time into getting in front of leads before they start looking. An online presence is the best way to do that.

4. Real Estate Coaching 

As a new realtor, there is a lot that can be learned from well seasoned professionals who have been in the business for years. Real estate coaches like Jared James (watch his webinar with Agent Legend), can be a huge benefit for your business. Take some time to look into real estate coaches and even Facebook groups to learn all that you can as you get started.

5. One-on-One Time with Clients

When you aren’t spending half of your week on lead follow-up, you can focus that time and attention on actual clients instead. Your conversations with serious leads will improve. When you have the time, you can give attention to detail that you wouldn’t otherwise. This level of service will more likely than not translate into return clients and referrals in the future.

When you are a new realtor, managing your time efficiently is so important. Make sure you are spending time building your business and connections in a variety of ways, instead of getting bogged down in lead follow-up. Especially when there are easy ways to efficiently keep up with leads and increase your response rate while saving time.

Learn more about getting started as a new realtor: 

Save Time on Lead Follow-Up and Close More Deals

Study Shows Real Estate Professionals Spend 20+ Hours a Week on Lead Follow-Up

Agent Legend will help you use your time more efficiently with campaigns and automated messaging.

Why Lead Generation Alone Isn't Enough

Why Lead Generation Alone Isn't Enough to Succeed

Turn those leads into actual clients.

How and When to Re-Engage Old Leads

How and When to Re-engage Old Leads

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