There’s a lot of uncertainty right now in the world, and we’re going to help you get through it with clarity and strategies that are working right now for other agents just like you.
What should you do right now to succeed in this current market? How do you communicate with your people (leads/sphere-of-influence/database/past clients)? How do you find new deal sources?
Join us with acclaimed real estate coach Jared James as we share innovative tactics agents are using right now to thrive in the current economic times.
Bonus: The Agent Legend “COVID Stimulus Campaign”
We created a special Agent Legend campaign based on Jarred’s approach in this training. It’s called “The COVID Stimulus Campaign” and it’s available inside your Agent Legend account.
Just log in to your account, ask our customer team for the “COVID Stimulus Campaign” and we will hook you up!
This special campaign and training is our service to you during this time.
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